Bye Bye Urbanraum

Last week, after we finished Thursday class as usually, I lingered a bit longer in Urbanraum, our home for the past 6 and a half years. Lit a candle, practiced all the Katas up to Jion and sat still for a while. Took the key off my keychain and left it on the table. Shut the door behind me and walked home.

And that was it. After a long time we are on the lookout for a new home. Urbanraum saw our group stand on its own feet after we left the Bundestag. It grew rather quickly and shrank again, slowly, before expanding again. Teaching style changed a lot, it is a lot calmer and wiser now that when we moved in. The room changed a lot, too, from slightly overbearing Chinese martial arts kitsch to disorganized dancing community home to crisp and hip event space.

If all goes well we will soon have an adequate replacement at hand. Just a few negotiations with the landlords at Karl Marx Strasse left to be concluded. I will keep everyone abreast of new developments.



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